Al Mawrada Health Center - Dental Clinic

Al Mawrada Health Center
Dental Clinic
Omdurman, Sudan
Join us in supporting the development of this much needed, not-for-profit, community health center, set to service a large population of Omdurman.
Developed by Sogya Sudan nonprofit organization, the center is strategically located near Suoq Al Mawrada, and will serve as the primary, free of charge* health facility for the local Al Mawrada, Abbasiya, Dhubbat, Baanat and Abusi'id areas, in addition to the transient populations nearby.
By donating to this project, you are helping to establish a vital dental clinic for a population with otherwise no access to dental services.
*All medical services at this clinic will be provided free of charge, or for a minimal "symbolic" fee for those who can afford to pay. Physicians and senior staff will all be contributing their services on a voluntary basis.