About Us
Mohibbat Alrahman Inc. is a US based nonprofit charitable organization working to provide relief to communities inside and outside the United States. Our vision of making the world a better place takes inspiration from the Islamic principle of charity (Sadaqa): giving through generosity, love and compassion - expecting nothing in return.
"treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practice regular charity." [2:83]
Our Mission
We are committed to providing relief to impoverished and marginalized communities. Our charitable work ranges from feeding the hungry, providing clean drinking water where none is available, providing clothing for orphans, to empowering whole communities - one family at a time - by helping establish small income generating businesses.

Our Vision
Our idea of a better world extends beyond providing relief for the needy. Education and Da'wah are at the core of our vision. Our members are better leaders, more compassionate volunteers, and excellent ambassadors through education.